Ben's Aquarium Blog

Ben's Aquarium blog is a developing resource full of tips and tricks to help build your ecosystem. Every two weeks we upload a new blog post helping to make botanical aquariums easier to keep. If you have a topic you want us to write about please send us a message!

Shrimp safe leaf litter like bamboo and stinging nettles for aquariums at Betta Botanicals.

What Leaves Can I Feed My Shrimp? Shrimp Safe Leaf Litter!

Freshwater ecosystems are so much more than just fish and plants! The next time you visit your local stream or lake, take a closer look at its inhabitants – we’re...
Ecosystem Profile: Borneo Peat Swamp Forests

Ecosystem Profile: Borneo Peat Swamp Forests

Despite their importance for biodiversity and carbon storage, these forests have been heavily impacted by human activities, leading to the loss of many species. Learn about the threatened and endangered...
A botanical method aquarium with tan sand and a dark brown monkey pot aquarium botanical at Betta Botanicals, the text on screen reads 'How To Replicate Nature With Exotic Monkey Pots.

A Terrestrial and Aquatic Guide to the Monkey Pot

At Betta Botanicals, we love monkey pots for their style, durability, and versatility! Amongst aquarium botanicals, monkey pots are truly one of a kind. Ready to get started with monkey...
A blue, red, and black male plakat betta fish in a botanical method aquarium with text on screen talking about the ideal temperatures for betta fish at Betta Botanicals.

What are the Ideal Temperatures for Betta Fish?

Technically, all the betta species live in similar parameters - tropical temperatures, with soft, dark, and acidic water. However, as you explore each species and its unique environment, you begin to...
Reverse osmosis water in a bucket containing botanicals to make blackwater h20 for a betta macrostoma aquarium at Betta Botanicals.

A Guide to Using RO Water in Aquariums

Reverse osmosis water is a great option for aquarists of all experience levels, but only after you've conducted proper research. Not only can RO water benefit your aquarium’s ecosystem by...
Green neon tetras swimming in a blackwater aquarium with text "naturally lower the pH of your aquarium" by Betta Botanicals.

How to Naturally Lower the pH of Your Aquarium

The Best and Worst Way to Lower Aquarium pH What is pH and the 'Potential of Hydrogen'? pH is the “potential of hydrogen” which measures hydrogen ion activity within a... Read More
Benefits of Alder Cones in Botanical Method Aquariums

Benefits of Alder Cones in Botanical Method Aquariums

Alder Cones are a staple in any botanical method aquarium and are known for their abundance of tannins, antioxidants, humic acids, polyphenols, and other health-promoting compounds. Their tint-producing properties have...
Wild Betta Fish Vs. Domestic Betta Fish Care

Wild Betta Fish Vs. Domestic Betta Fish Care

With 73 recognized species, the betta genus offers endless opportunities for exploration and discovery. Among these diverse species, five stand out for their unique characteristics: Betta splendens, Betta imbellis, Betta...
Guide: How to Clean a Blackwater Aquarium

Guide: How to Clean a Blackwater Aquarium

Your new botanical method aquarium or blackwater aquarium is up and running, but when it comes time to clean - where do you start? Should you vacuum the botanical substrate?...