Ben's Aquarium Blog » Aquarium pH

Ben's Aquarium blog is a developing resource full of tips and tricks to help build your ecosystems. Every two weeks we upload a new blog post helping to make botanical aquariums easier to keep. If you have a topic you want us to write about please send us a message!

A tan and grey rocky hillslope in a aquarium with leaf litter and text on screen that reads biotope vs. blackwater vs. botanical method.

Key Differences: Biotopes, Blackwater & Botanical Method Aquariums

At first glance, each aquarium type can appear the same – they each have similar elements: botanicals. But upon closer inspection, you'll notice differences in the plant and animal stocking and...
A blue, red, and black male plakat betta fish in a botanical method aquarium with text on screen talking about the ideal temperatures for betta fish at Betta Botanicals.

What are the Ideal Temperatures for Betta Fish?

Technically, all the betta species live in similar parameters - tropical temperatures, with soft, dark, and acidic water. However, as you explore each species and its unique environment, you begin to...